

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Phase 2 Performing Happiness : "Happy Cow" (Mark)



" does anyone knows how cows are treated ? "

Phase 2.1 : Rule Set (The Breaking News)

Very few people knows how cows are actually treated in the industry or the mass production of milk. People just drink it without acknowledging what the issue behind it is. Badly treated, torture, forced to produce; these are just some of them. Find out more in this newspaper below...

Phase 2.2 : Happy Cow (Let's Make The Change)

To create an extreme contrast between inside and outside, inner ring and outer ring were put in the design. Steel structure and grid were put to used to create kind of a farming and "prison" feeling for the cows on the exterior. Whereas the cows in the centre have such a nice, comfortable, greenery and fresh environment. Allows them to perform and produce better. Details are shown in the drawings below. Enjoy...

" structure & pedestrian flow "

" section & plan "

" happiness of cow = happiness of people "

"prison of cows?"

Physical Model

Real Grass + Cows

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